Duchesse Cherry

Lindemans Cassis 37.5cl

Lindemans Cassis 37.5cl

Diole Noel

Diole Noel

84 % of 100
More Information
Product Name Duchesse Cherry
ABV % 6.8
Size 33cl
Brewery Verhaeghe
Style Red Ale
Country Belgium
About this product
Duchesse Cherry is a blend of 1 and 2 year-old Duchesse de Bourgogne with local, sour cherries added to the maturing beer. The malt beverage is aged in oak casks, and utilizing whole cherries from the Limburg region of Belgium, as opposed to cherry syrup that is sometimes used in cherry beer production, Duchesse Cherry truly lives up to its name.

Duchesse Cherry

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  1. Duchesse Cherry

    This is a remarkable beer that I tasted on draught at Norwich, but is nearly as good in bottle form
  2. Fantastic stuff

    Superb cherry sour.
  3. Verified Buyer

    Nice kriek

    If you like krieks, you should try this one