Who can guess the adult animated science fiction sitcom that inspired this name...
"Hey, to new beginnings. To the Whirly Dirly. The Whirly Dirly? All right, what’s going on
here? When did you get cool?! When you stole my wife! I should have done that a long time ago! We’re going on the Whirly Dirly! Whirly Dirly baby!!”
Anyway... this pale ale is crammed full of DDH simcoe, sultana and mosaic hops that
complement each other by increasing the complex aromas of citrus, pine and mango. This
beer will be sure to take you on a journey to the Whirly Dirly! (whatever that is).
Tiny Rebel properly began in 2012 when Newport brothers-in-law Bradley and Gareth progressed from many years of homebrewing to starting their own fully fledged microbrewery.
Almost immediately, the awards started rolling in, with Tiny Rebel brewery taking gold, silver, and bronze at the 2013 Great Welsh Beer and Cider Festival, successfully defending their Champion Beer of Wales title in 2014, then winning Supreme Champion Beer of Britain for their Cwtch Red Ale in 2015.
Creative to their core, Brad and Gazz are all about testing the limits of Tiny Rebel’s brews, experimenting with all manner of hop, malt, and yeast combinations to discover bright and bold flavours that simply can’t be found elsewhere. In the process, they’ve wowed both experienced members of the craft movement and newcomers to the beer scene – Tiny Rebel IPAs in particular.
See what you think of Tiny Rebel beer in our range above. If you have any questions about our range or your order, get in touch with our experts or visit our features section for news articles and more.