Hoppin Frog - Hausers Heat of Momenty

Hoppin Frog - DORIS The Destroyer 35.5cl

Hoppin Frog - DORIS The Destroyer 35.5cl

Hoppin Frog - Infusion 'A'

Hoppin Frog - Infusion 'A'

60 % of 100
More Information
Product Name Hoppin Frog - Hausers Heat of Momenty
ABV % 12
Size 65cl
Brewery Hoppin' Frog
Style Imperial Stout
Country USA
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About this product
Invoke passion and heighten your senses with all the great flavors of this sexy Imperial Porter. This is one attractive beer, with chocolate, hot pepper, and cinnamon mingling together in perfect harmony and drawing you in closer. Enjoy all the complexity and deep satisfaction this rich, dark masterpiece will invoke.

Hoppin Frog - Hausers Heat of Momenty

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You're reviewing:Hoppin Frog - Hausers Heat of Momenty
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  1. Good, but not perfect.

    Quite good (obviously, as Hoppin' Frog does not make bad stuff), but there was something which did not fit with the rest, something similar to cinnamon or maybe it was that. Did not go very well, so guys, next time, no cinnamon please.