Lervig invited Brazilian brewery Way Beer to Norway to brew the original batch this huge unforgiving 13% stout made with Tonka, Vanilla and Coco beans. This quickly became a fan favourite and has been rebrewed a few times since. Reminiscent of mulled wine, you get hints of Cinnamon and spices as well as a brandy like hit of alcohol that warms you all the way down.
Hailing from Stavanger, Norway Lervig are a force in the world of Craft beer. Created after the townspeople revolted against the mass brewery attempted to sell them substandard beer and buying back their old brewery.
Rich strong coffee with a sweet milky tone but with a little spicy heat finish. Works well and a really nice stout.
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Rich impy stout. Excellent
Amazing imperial stout. Cocoa and vanilla flavours are rich to start and then the tonka aromas kick in. Really smooth but the flavour zings in the mouth.
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Brilliant from Lervig Again
Amazing as always with Lervig dark beers! Lots of chocolate and cinnamon coming through, very boozy as well.