From just east of Turin, northern Italy. LoverBeer’s philosophy is simple: Innovation; They love having knowledge. They love trying out. Because of this their beers are special, sometimes extreme, fully balanced in flavours and aroma. The result is a product able to catch the most discriminating taste too. Tradition; Their craft beers are the result of an open mind research on the most genuine beer styles they are inspired to. Love for their country and the environment. They use the best ingredients from the surrounding areas, as well as Freisa grapes from the hill of Turin, Barbera grapes from Alba, or "ramassin" plums from Bronda Valley (Slowfood presidium). They only trust the most excellent local producers who integrate agricultural traditions and methods with modern technologies that are environmentally friendly and produce quality products, Quality; hey take care of the entire production process to assure a high quality result. Truly adhering to the ideals of Craft beer.