Crossover Blendery are a small blendery operation located in Hertfordshire, UK. Their focus is on producing 100% spontaneously fermented beers aged in traditional vessels such as oak barrels.
The aim is to source our ingredients as close to the Blendery as possible. We work with farmers and growers directly, and promote their amazing produce through our beers, our website and social media.
Our work is seasonal. We brew in the cold months and fruit in the warm. Each beer we make is of that year. It is of that season and it cannot be replicated anywhere else in the world.
The way we make our beer and its eventual flavour characteristics blur the lines between beer and other fermented alcoholic beverages. Many of the techniques, methods and concepts behind wine/cider/perry are also found in our process. As a result we want to emphasise the ‘crossing over’ of beer into these other drinks which are often considered a distant and superior or inferior cousin.
These beers are a labour of love and incredibly time-consuming to produce. We hope you enjoy them as much as us and we look forward to welcoming you to the Blendery soon!